Bagel the orange tiger kitty is a story in resilience. Once severely injured in some sort of attack, he was most certainly in a life and death situation.
Now, he’s mostly recovered and looking for his family.
Hear Bagel’s story on this Wiggly Tail segment of Community Matters with Jessica Gilbert of the Humane Society of South Central Michigan. We also learn about how HSSCM handles these types of situations – when it can – as well as the perils of cats living outdoors.

Episode Resources
Humane Society of South Central Michigan website
Bagel on Petfinder
Richard reads to the kittens at HSSCM
More Wiggly Tail episodes
Former WBCK Morning Show host Richard Piet (2014-2017) returns to host Community Matters, an interview program focused on community leaders and newsmakers in and around Battle Creek. Community Matters is heard Saturdays at 8:00 AM on WBCK-FM (95.3) and anytime at battlecreekpodcast.com.
Community Matters is sponsored by Lakeview Ford Lincoln and produced by Livemic Communications.
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