Calhoun County’s dementia awareness organization Miles for Memories has set its annual research update event for April 30, 2024.
The free event seeks to provide an update from Michigan State University researchers on the latest dementia drugs and treatments, as well as provide a forum for attendees to ask questions.
The event is set for April 30, 5:30 PM at the Kool Family Community Center in downtown Battle Creek. RSVP is requested at 269.979.1412.
Episode Resources
Miles for Memories website
Miles for Memories technology
Sherii Sherban talks to Community Matters about MFM technology
Creating Dementia Solutions podcast episodes
Former WBCK Morning Show host Richard Piet (2014-2017) returns to host Community Matters, an interview program focused on community leaders and newsmakers in and around Battle Creek. Community Matters is heard Saturdays at 8:00 AM and PM Eastern on WBCK-FM (95.3) and anytime at battlecreekpodcast.com.
Community Matters is sponsored by Lakeview Ford Lincoln and produced by Livemic Communications.
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